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Sâo Paulo Anarchist & Punk Film Festival, Dec 10


10th Edition of the Festival!
We are coming!
December 10th, 2022
Fofão Rock'n Bar (Estrada de Taipas 3827, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil)

Last year we didn't have the event in respect of the pandemic context, but 2022 we came to celebrate one decade of hard work and fruits that we had during these years.

We will be on the road for another year to spread counter cultural libertarian productions along with debates, exchanges and much more.

And this year we will have @cine.molotov together on the schedule. The 1st Edition of the Anarchist and Punk Film Festival in Fortaleza will take place on the same day.
Much mutual support, DIY and anarchism for all.


2:30 pm | LIVE BREATH [Experimental Documentary | 25min | 2021 | Association of Cariri Indians of Poço Dantas-Umari | Crato/CE ) > An indigenous community of the Kariri people, located in Chapada do Araripe (rural area of ​​Crato/CE), reflects on water: the indigenous myth of recreating the world together with the waters against the capitalist developmentalist myth of control of the waters and human and non-human bodies that inhabit the São Francisco River (Opará).


– ANDALE [Experimental short film | 4min | 2017 | Cannibal Movies | Palmitos/SC] > A film about today's world, about the need for a revolution, an uprising of the masses against the exploiters, so that the financial system can be completely rethought. An anarchist view of the chaos we need for this change to occur.

– DARKNESS [Animation | 5min | 2019 | Subversive Art Hakai Teki Ato | Mexico | subtitles in Portuguese] > Animation narrated and illustrated by ARTE SUBVERSIVO HAKAI TEKI ATO, with a poem by the anarchist Praxedis Guerrero. Performed in territory dominated by the Mexican state, this animation features illustrations that were also published in fanzine format.

– 290 POISONS [ Fiction | 10min | 2020 | Petter Baiestorf/CineCaos | SC) > In 2019, the Brazilian government released 290 new pesticides in its domestic market. 18 of them are extremely toxic. 290 Venenos makes an imaginative exercise about the excessive use of poisonous substances in our food, since the release of pesticides in Brazil tends to increase.

– 2021 [Video art | 1min | 2021 | AriFrost | Carapicuiba/SP] > This is an anti-racist video constructed from a speech recorded during a demonstration in the capital of São Paulo in memory of Moïse Mugenyi Kabagambe, a Congolese immigrant who was murdered on January 24, 2022. This work is a cry for revolt and a manifesto against the violence suffered by the black population in these lands known as Brazil.

– 2022 [Video art | 30sec | 2022 | Arisfrost | Carapicuiba/SP] > This is a video work that addresses the issue of gentrification in the city of Carapicuíba. The current repossessions, displacement of occupations and favelas are points in this discussion that, through the report of Lukinhas, a resident of Favela do Escadão in Cohab 5, displaced in 2019, form a poetic set between dialogue and images.

– BRECHT BANK [Fiction | 9min | 2017 | Tiago Aguiar and Marcio Souza | Recife/PE] > Group of people seeks ways to finance actions against the political system, planning a bank robbery. Banco Brecht is a short film that questions society, what violence is and what kind of violence is allowed or not by the State.

3:40 pm | Memory & Anarkia Session!

– OUR STEPS WILL FOLLOW YOURS [Experimental documentary 13min | 2022 | Corpo Fechado Producer | RJ] > Erased from the official history of the labor movement, Domingos Passos, a fierce anarchist militant, had to face State terrorism and police violence that devastated the worlds of work in the First Republic (1889-1930) in order to organize Brazilian workers and follow his new direction, towards eternity...

– SON OF ALMEREYDA [Documentary | 9min | 2022 | Alex Fedox/Cine Molotov | Fortaleza/CE] > A fable about the life and work of filmmaker Jean Vigo, son of anarchist activist Miguel Almereyda, had in his father a strong inspiration for the construction of his poetic realism.

– REQUIEM MENEGHETTI [Documentary | 8min | 2016 | Utopia Productions | Rio de Janeiro/RJ] The story of the anarchist thief Gino Meneghetti, a legendary character in São Paulo in the 20th century, is told through the highlights he had in the press at the time. Any resemblance to fiction is not coincidental.

– BOX POSTAL 195 (Experimental documentary | 5 min. | 2012 | Giuliana Miguel and Rodrigo Rosa da Silva | São Paulo/SP) > Police surveillance in São Paulo and the role of DEOPS investigators against anarchists. A simple mailbox in the center of the city becomes the pivot of a chase through the streets and neighborhoods frequented by libertarians.

– PUNKY MAURI: BEAUTIFULLY VIOLENT [ Documentary | 13” | 2017 | Chile] > A small record in memory of Mauricio Morales, anarchist who died in 2009 as a result of the explosion of a bomb he was transporting, and whose death was used as an excuse for a whole police operation of criminalization and assembly against squatters, anarchists and punks in the Chile. This operation, which became known as Caso Bombas, was later dismantled, given the numerous false evidence presented by the prosecution.

16:40 | PROJECTING FREEDOM [Documentary | 21min | 2020 | Anarchofilms | Mexico | subtitles in Portuguese] > Reflections on the anarchist audiovisual, the use of this tool in our struggles, and a little of what was the organization of the 1st Festival Internacional de Cine Anarchista in Mexico City in December 2019.

FOLLOWED BY A CONVERSATION : 1 DECADE OF ANARCHIST AND PUNK FILM FESTIVAL – SEEDING AND HARVESTING IN LIBERTARY AUDIOVISUAL , with the participation of former members of the collective that organizes the event


– PUNK ERA [Documentary | 25min | 2022 | Line of Action | SP] > Music, revolt and direct punk action against the fascist and necrophilic politics of today's Brazil. Êra Punk is a cry stuck in the air, an urban chronicle of resistance in the streets of yet another country exposed to the rise of the extreme right in the world. – REPORTS FROM AN ANARCOPUNK SCENE [Documentary | 23min | 2012 | César Medeiros and Danilo Tázio | Natal/RN] >

Made in a do-it-yourself way, with zero resources and a lot of willpower and rush, the film tries to tell how the punk culture arrived in the city of Natal/RN, how it was organized and consolidated based on anarchism. Bands, collectives, zines, events, all reported by some of the active characters in the Potiguar punk scene between 1980 and 2003. The video was produced in 2008 and presented as a final paper for the Journalism course at UFRN by César Medeiros and Danilo Tázio. It was re-edited in July 2012 with new cuts, scenes and archival footage that had been left out, and shortened by 20 minutes for exhibition.

– MACEHUALOPUNKS [Documentary | 30min | 2019 | HeyWild | Veracruz/Mexico | subtitles in Portuguese] > The defense of the Nahuatl language in the community of San Juan (Rafael Delgado) at the entrance to the Sierra de Zongolica in the state of Veracruz. It is present through young punks who, with anarchist ethics, are recovering their lives, facing the civilizing process that is ending nature and, therefore, Macehual culture. Through self-management, meetings and music, they lead us to reflect on other forms of struggle that take place outside the big cities.

– Beyond the Screams: A US Latino Hardcore Punk Documentary [Documentary | 29min | 1999 | Martin Sorrondeguy | USA – subtitles in Portuguese] > Documentary about the Latin punk scene within the North American context, with various interviews, period images and presentations by bands such as Huasinpungo, Los Crudos, Subsistencia, Sbitch, among others.


– OCUPA RIA : Art and Politics in the Federal District [Documentary | 10min | Yuri Barbosa / RIA | Taguatinga/DF] > The International Resistance Collective of Artists (RIA) occupies and revitalizes the abandoned building located in the Hotel Sector South of Taguatinga projection “C”, former Military Police Battalion, giving new meaning to a space that has been idle for so long. Transforming it into a Cultural and Pedagogical Center, where artistic and educational activities will be carried out aimed at the community and general public.

– GYNEPUNK [Documentary | 15min | 2019 | Julia Ostertag | Germany/Mexico] > Gynepunk is an autonomous research project on the history of gynecology, which opens up direct practical access to a self-managed bricolage knowledge about our bodies, as well as an active and radical proposal to give patriarchal history a spin. Gynepunk's goal is to create efficient and affordable medical tools that allow us to take care of our own bodies. I had the opportunity to meet one of the initiators, Klau Kinki (transhack activist and performance artist) in Mexico and I attended her workshop… Decolonize the female body!

– LA FORMA: VIDEOFANZINE DE CONTRACULTURA [Documentary | 18” | 2016 |Arlen Herrera | Ecuador] > Self-managed and counter-information project of joint collaboration and mutual support, of different individuals and spaces in Quito, Ecuador, which in different environments has resisted and acted there. This video has several themes within the counterculture, such as way of life, action, creation and criticism. Starting from a common criticism of the capitalist system and the imposed heteronorm, initiatives and ideas are born to seek different ways to combat it.

– PUNk[A]h4ck1ng [Documentary, 33min | Cin'Surgente – [A]filmes | 2016 | Brasília/DF] > Documentary about memories and imagined futures of the relationship between punk, anarchy and hacktivism. the memory is inscribed in the context of two agitated situations in brasília, the circulation, via floppy disks and cds, of anarchist, punk and free software material by 3137r0_p4nx (eletropunx) – digital publishing house – in 1998 and an experimental event on cyberculture in the year 2000 .the imagined futures are born from the memories of the London punk context by an English hacker and his reflections for the future, and from the memories of a Brazilian hacker, who transited through punk at the beginning of this century, and who today works in the creation and propagation of hackerspaces and the actions of merry riot from “b[A]leia pret[A] hacker sub_clube”.

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